Day 7 of project 25:365 (doing something creative every day)
This was my dumb sketch that was part of a brief animation i made.
Day 6
Nothing special, just a saucy idea
Day 5 quick sketch
Just a quick sketch
Day Four: DFAH - mirror, mask, ethereal
my favorite yet
day 3 drawn from a hat
Drawn From A Hat: Jan 2nd - Gem, Lemur, Dystopian
This first draft is day two of both drawn from a hat and project 25:365 - play this game with us!
Project 25:365
I’m participating in Project 25:365 this year - a commitment to making something creative every day.
I’ll be posting about it here.Drawn from a hat day one: a simple sketch
Current Want to Do Ideas
It's Saturday, October 14th, 2023.
here is what I would love someone to hire me to do:I have a strong interest in working with neon imagery, post apocalyptic imagery, cyberpunk and dieselpunk themes, technology vs nature, exploration of dream themes, and dramatic light sources.
This is not an exclusion of my other talents, just things I would love to do that I haven't been asked to do.